Hardiness of Pinellia cordata

Roy Herold rherold@yahoo.com
Tue, 02 Jun 2009 04:17:50 PDT
One other point that I forgot to mention...

In the late 1990s I saw Pinellia cordata growing quite happily in 
several gardens in the Ann Arbor, Michigan area, which is certainly a 
subzero F region. These appeared to be established clumps as opposed to 
spring replants. However, the leaf size was smaller and had less 
variegation than the Yamazaki clone, so it may have been a hardier 
strain. Most of the plants I have seen in gardens or nurseries in Japan 
appeared to be the small leafed type.

And out of thousands of flowers, I have only had one set seed. The 
special gnat that does the pollinating must have been around that year.


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