I grow the same Pinellia cordata clone ('Yamazaki') as Ellen, and have found that none of the ones that I plant intentionally persist for more than a year or two. However, the volunteers that fall out of pots or get moved by the local vermin have found several sweet spots in the garden, purely by chance. I have one such clump with a couple of inflorescences open as I write. There are numerous instances of the odd leaf here and there, too. I winter over the ones in pots the same way as Judy, either in the freezing garage or under the bench in the cool (38F) greenhouse. They seem to be doing *very* well in the mild spring we've been having. There was a quick hot spell a month ago to get things going, and warm to downright chilly (39F last night, June 1) since then. I vote for trying a few outside in NJ, but find some vermin to plant them for you... --Roy NW of Boston -7F last winter > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Ellen Hornig" <hornig@earthlink.net> > To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org> > Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 8:36 PM > Subject: Re: [pbs] Hardiness of Pinellia cordata > > >> No, it hasn't been long-term hardy here - the younger ones tended to live >> a couple of years and then disappear. The only ones I have now are in >> pots. >