Well, for a review of what's blooming here in the Chicago area--in my yard: Arilbred irises (complex hybrids of oncocyclus, regelia and tall bearded heritage); Arisaemas triphyllum, tortuosum, and nepenthoides (in a very sheltered spot) sikokianum, sikotak,and dracontium , a variegated solomon's seal; Allium karataviense, and one of the larger globe types; Phyllostachys nigra (a very small piece) after surviving -15° F. Chionodoxa luciliae (all done= sardensis?) The other lilies: crinums, eucomis and small glads still surviving at the drip line under the eaves but not blooming for another month at least. A small ornithogalum white and small, unidentified as to species blooming in various places. My Zantedeschia albomaculata died . It did well at - 10 but couldn't manage -15 maybe because it set seed. Good luck to anybody pushes zones.