Rodger wrote, >My Arum dioscorides is undoubtedly stinkier than your Dracunculus vulgaris! > >Instead of rotting flesh, it smells like a compost heap that has been over- >watered and under-aerated and has, in consequence, gone to the dark side. As it grows here, Arum dioscoridis smells very like cow manure, and Dracunculus smells exactly like a rotting animal corpse. I'd say Dracunculus is worse. When it blooms, my first reaction is "Where did the dogs leave a dead mole?" Another aggressive stinker in the bulb collection is Fritillaria agrestis (common name, "Stink bells"). I have a number of Biarum species, and none seems particularly offensive. I used to have some Ferraria species in the solarium, but I got rid of them; their scent is offensive even though it doesn't resemble anything I can identify (lion dung, perhaps?). Jane McGary Northwestern Oregon, USA