As time permits I have started to post pictures of my various Polianthes and Manfreda hybrids (and Sinningia) to: Some thoughts on these crosses: Manfreda virginica conveys winter hardiness to the F1 crosses, but the flower form strongly resembles the Manfreda (with the color from the Polianthes parents). I am not especially enamored with this but hope some advanced crosses improve upon it. The hybrids though are vigorous and clump up nicely with age. Propagation is easy by tissue culture using the immature inflorescence as an explant source; high levels of cytokinin (I use 25 micromolar BA) help in axillary shoot production. I should probably release some of these, but I am more or less a one-person operation here and I teach a number of classes during the school year. Jon T. Lindstrom Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA