Hi, The people who are suggesting a change in the way we do things are not the people who put in hours of their time volunteering for this group so I rather suspect that things will stay as they are. I'm sure a lot of our members are already members of the Scottish Rock Garden's forum. I'm not, but that's just because I don't have time for it. It does not reflect on my admiration for it those times I take the time to look at something there. I think Maggi and Ian are the greatest, both for their knowledge and enthusiasm. But I am already maxed out on time for this kind of thing. Maggi and Ian aren't members of our list, probably for the same reasons I'm not a member of theirs. I suspect they may take a peak at it and the wiki from time to time since you don't have to be a member to do so. It seems to me that the existence of the Scottish Rock Garden forum is a good reason not to duplicate it. All of those people who prefer that kind of forum should join it instead. Living in a rural area where broad band is not available to many of the residents, I appreciate that there are people who still don't have a fast connection and don't wish to download images. We set up this list without attachments for that reason and created the wiki so there would be a place people could add their images. It gives people the choice of going to look at and download those images or not. I'm sorry the wiki is a challenge for some of you, but its partly because we want more than just images. We want information to go with the images and we want the general public to be able to find both easily. I can say from experience that the more you add to the wiki, the easier it becomes. Mary Sue