On 14 Jun 2009 at 11:10, Jane McGary wrote: > This is news to me. Here in Oregon, Z. > aethiopica is dormant in winter and > emerges in mid-spring, going dormant by > late summer. It is in flower now. > Another odd thing is that although this > is widely regarded as a wetland plant, > clogging ditches when it escapes in mild > climates, here one sees it flourishing > in sites that become completely dry in > summer: I'm a bit south of Jane. Here, the Z. a. types are trying to grow all winter. Every significant frost turns any growth to mush and so they can seem to be dormant. When frosts stop they recover quickly and bloom in May-June. Flower vase trivia: To get much longer cut-flower stems, carefully pull them rather than cut them. They do remain evergreen if watered in summer. They look best in some shade. I like to extend the bloom season and have them planted in all sorts of conditions. They do do ok in full sun with no summer watering (and are summer dormant). I have seen the advise to plant them in water. I have not had luck planting them more than a few inches below the water line in my fluctuating winter flooded areas. I will try some more though. I'd guess they like summer wetland, winter dry conditions? They do so well here, I am concerned they may turn out to be invasive and difficult to control someday. Kelly O'Neill http://www.bigbubblers.com/ and Big Bubble Magic(tm) at http://www.wetrock.com/ and Wet Rock Gardens Flower Farm 2877 N 19th Street - Springfield, Oregon 97477 U-Pick and more at the farm (open 9 to 6, Sun, Wed and Fri - from March thru Halloween) kellyo@wetrock.com - http://www.wetrock.com/