Ken, I'm having a lot of fun watching your Amarygias develop. Thanks for sharing the photos. I was interested by the photo you posted of one of the siblings to that flower, which looks a lot like a typical Amaryllis hybrid:… Do you remember if this came from one of the tiny seeds that you sometimes get from Amarygia crosses, or a larger seed? I'm wondering if the seed size/color corresponds to the type of flower you get. I got flowers this fall from some hybrids of B. josephinae and a Les Hannibal Amaryllis. They looked a lot like the typical Hannibal Amaryllis, so I thought the seedlings must have been apomictic or an accidental cross from some Amaryllis pollen that blew in. But seeing your sibling photo, I'm starting to wonder if I did get a real cross that just doesn't express a lot of josephinae characteristics. In particular, there's one plant that has flowers with strangely twisted tepals. You can see it here:… Or maybe it's just a Hannibal hybrid with twisted tepals. I'd appreciate comments from more knowledgeable growers than me. Mike San Jose, CA