Veratrum on the Wiki

Ellen Hornig
Mon, 05 Sep 2011 15:50:25 PDT
Yes!  One of my favorite genera - and I didn't realize we were counting it as "bulbous".

I grow V. nigrum, V. virginicum, V. woodii and V. formosanum, and love them all.  V. virginicum (I still call it Melanthium, actually) blooms like crazy every year, and aside from having a strange smell is a joy in the damp garden.  My V. woodii put on a really good display of flowers this year, which was a real treat.

Now that I know it's within the scope of PBS, I'll try to remember to send seed of V. virginicum to the seed ex.  It's easy to germinate (cold/warm) and reaches young flowering size within 3-5 years.  Mature plants bloom at around 2m for me - planted in a large group, they are stunning.

Glad to know I qualify for the lunatic fringe -



Ellen Hornig
3712 Co. Rt. 57
Oswego NY 13126
Phone: 315-342-5573

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