Allium tuberosum and bees

James L. Jones
Wed, 14 Sep 2011 17:45:52 PDT
Among non-tuberous species, the most wildly avidly frequented plant I know is Pycnanthemum verticillatum.  It is easy to grow, well-behaved, and quietly a attractive.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark BROWN <>
To: Pacific Bulb Society <>
Sent: Tue, Sep 13, 2011 10:30 pm
Subject: Re: [pbs] Allium tuberosum and bees

Hello James and all,
I am collating, for local bee-keepers, data on garden plants that are of 
interest for bees.
Late blooming ones like this of are of special interest as after the 15th of 
july honey nectar becomes harder to find I am told.
And very early ones too such as Galanthus and Eranthis. I am glad to know that 
this super plant is a bee plant.
You might find regretting having a bumper crop of seeds as in one garden in the 
south here where I planted it, it has become a weed through seeding!
Bulbs and geophytes generally are not thought of as bee plants.A pity as they 
are great plants for all seasons and easy in small gardens as we all know. Can 
any one provide any more ideas?
This is a great topic.
Many thanks,

"> Message du 13/09/11 02:03
> De : "James L. Jones" 
> A :
> Copie à : 
> Objet : [pbs] Allium tuberosum
The mention of Allium tuberosum earlier has prodded me to pass on an observation 
I've been making regarding pollinators.  The plight of the honeybee (Apis 
mellifera) is well known and has been evident here, with numbers way below those 
of the past.  However, suddenly, over the last few days I've been seeing them in 
some abundance, but only on A. tuberosum.  That onion grows mixed with A. 
'Constellation" (nice effect) but the honeybees stick to the white one, though 
'Constellation' is swarming with bumblebees (Bombus sp), which have been in 
abundance all season.

Does this mean I'll get a bumper crop of seeds on tuberosum?  Oh joy."

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