Sharing plants with others

James Waddick
Mon, 12 Sep 2011 09:03:10 PDT
" if it were not for the dedication of Dell who has been in charge 
since 2002 and helped IBS with the same before then.

  While this is evidently true and we all thank Dell for his efforts, 
it would be unfair not mention that on many, I emphasize, many, 
occasions most or the whole burden of the BX was supported by Mary 
Sue's generous donations. Some times known items but on others very 
rare ones were supplied to be shared through the BX from her 
extensive collection.

Dear Friends,
	These two recent comments and discussion of rare plant 
collections seem well suited. The PBS BX continues to be a source of 
extremely rare bulbous plants that are ONLY available from dedicated 
collectors. Mary Sue has been extremely generous, but the latest BX 
with a unique selection of Cyclamen offered by new comer Fereydoun 
Sharifi highlights the value of the BX and PBS. Numerous other donors 
have been very generous with seeds and  bulbs of plants that are 
totally unavailable through any other means AND at ridiculously low 
cost. Many are extremely rare in the wild, prohibitively expensive or 
very difficult to obtain.

	I have to remind all members of this FREE on line elist that 
it is supported totally through the paid membership in PBS. 
Membership in PBS also allows readers to purchase these bargain 
rarities posted on the BX. This is a very cooperative relationship.

	Joining PBS  helps to support this discussion, allows 
purchase of an amazing selection of BX offerings and much more. 
Volunteers like Dell, Mary Sue and many others make all the wheels 
turn. The PBS BOD meets regularly to improve all offerings of PBS. 
Conservation is just one of PBS' core interests.  Congrats to all 

		Best		Jim W.

Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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