Pacific Bulb Society BX 289

Richard Haard
Thu, 29 Sep 2011 17:55:27 PDT
> Dell I am interested to receive the following

Richard Haard
3276 y road
Bellingham wa., 98226
>> From Pamela Harlow:
> 1. Brodiaea coronaria ex NNS (Ron Ratko) 02-68:  seed from about 40
> individuals, all grown from Ron’s wild-collected seed with no chance of
> pollination from other plants – 2010 seed 02-68 Brodiaea coronaria  Modoc
> Plateau, Modoc Co., 4750’The flowers in this population are slightly smaller
> with darker blue-purple lobes, paler tubes and distinct pale cream bases. 
> The flowers are held on erect pedicels creating a narrow candelabra.  Common
> throughout the undulating flats of rocky clay derived from basalt.  Large
> colonies are prevalent around the numerous vernal, both natural and manmade,
> ponds that dot the landscape.  Sierra juniper and sagebrush flats.  The
> hardiest member of the genus, hardy to Zone 5.
> 20. Dichelostemma capitatum, ex NNS 03-208 note:  these didn’t bloom until
> this year so the 2010 Brodiaea could not be contaminated by them
> 21. Fritillaria affinis
> 22. Fritillaria camschatensis ex Archibald 4.390.110 note:  parent plants
> exhibit quite varied bloom color
> 24. Trillium rivale ex NNS 04-460
> 25. Trillium rivale ex NNS 04-461
>> From Arnold Trachtenberg:
> 27. Seed of Aesculus parviflora      Aesculus parviflora is not a bulb, it's
> a large shrub native to the southeastern United States with attractive
> flowers and foliage, and often striking yellow autumn color.  It's much more
> cold hardy (USDA Zone 5, possibly 4) than its native range would suggest.
>  It grows from large seeds, which must be sown immediately otherwise they
> dry out and aren't viable.  I've successfully grown the plant from seed in
> two ways, placing fresh seeds under the leaf litter along the edge of a
> woodland where I want them to grow, and pressing them into moist potting
> soil in gallon containers and keeping those containers in my garage until
> spring.  Keeping them in the cool, but frost free, garage helps in two ways,
> it keeps the squirrels from finding the ungerminated seeds and eating them,
> and if some of the seeds germinate early the young plants don't freeze.
>  They're not houseplants, germinating and growing them at room temperature
> over the winter is not recommended.  Well cared for plants often flower when
> just a few years old.
> 43. Seed of Lilium sp?    I did not see the open flower. From dried petals
> on some plants the color was yellow/orange. This could mean L. pardalinum,
> or L. kelleyanum. The common name for this lily is "Leopard Lily."

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