Hi Jim I know i got that heading change right :-) I'm still a little confused about headings. I know how to change them but not sure when or whats a better heading ? Or did u mean others when they change the topic ? I'm getting used to how things work, i'm fascinated by all the knowledge , help & updates of information, in fact its almost information overload, but how wonderful how u all help each other, most admirable... I have the deleat the information to a few lines so its all ships ahead, but i was confused by headings when Mary Sue tried to explain it too, i'd appreciate another shove in the right direction :-) Steven On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 7:17 AM, James Waddick <jwaddick@kc.rr.com> wrote: > Dear Friends, > We are being treated to two related fascinating topics of > Endangered Plants and Australian Crinum, but using subject heading > like "Crinum versus Bulldozers" will loose this material in the PBS > archives. > > Please change the topic of your message as you discuss new > materials. > >