Saturday I finally went through 32 4" pots of bulbs that I had (mostly) started from seed in 2007 or 2008. The pots stay in the garage all summer to keep from baking too much. The garage has one window, so it is not completely dark. I was interested to learn which had initiated root growth, and which had run out of room at the bottom of their pots. Of the South African species (Romulea monadelpha, sabulosa, unifolia; Babiana ringens, villosa; Freesia laxa, refracta; Geissorhiza radians, splendidissima; Lachenalia orchidoides) none had initiated growth, and only the Freesias had pulled themselves to the bottom of their pots. The Lachenalia looked like they might just be starting shoots, but not roots. (L. aloides v. quadricolor in another pot that stayed out all summer is already shooting up, but that is my earliest blooming Lachenalia). California: Allium amplectens and Triteleia hyacinthina had started root growth, and the Triteleia was down at the bottom of its pot. 7 Calochortus spp. were all at the bottom of their pots, and none had initiated growth -- except Calochortus dunnii, which had started growing, and was only about halfway down. (Most of my Calochortus tags were lost, so I'm not sure what I have left, except dunnii, catalinae, kennedyi, and umbellatus). Neither Fritillaria eastwoodiae nor recurva had started growth yet. The surviving bulbs were towards the middle of their pots. I was rewarded today for my very belated labor by our first rain showers of the season -- only 3 months after last year's final precipitation. Max Withers Oakland CA