What's blooming week of 9-20, and Oxalis watering

Michael Mace michaelcmace@gmail.com
Thu, 22 Sep 2011 10:00:09 PDT
Just opened in my garden this week is a nice pink form of Rhodophiala
bifida, courtesy of Steve Vinisky years ago.  Thanks, Steve!

The bud on Brunsvigia marginata is starting to turn pink.  I'm probably
about a week from the opening of the first flowers.  

The Oxalis I mentioned last time are still in bloom.  The early-blooming
ones tend to stay in bloom all fall.
They have been joined by:

--MV 4871, which Michael Vassar identified as possibly Oxalis depressa.  It
has fairly large white flowers.

--O. stenorrhyncha, which looks like a miniature palm tree with salmon
orange flowers on it.

Andrew wrote:

>> It would be interesting to hear how other growers stage their
winter-growing Oxalis season.

I start watering my Oxalis at the beginning of August here in San Jose.  My
daytime temperatures are into the low 90s F right now (around 33C), and the
Oxalis pots get sun until about noon.

I know it sounds crazy to water winter-growing bulbs at the height of
summer's heat, but the Oxalis told me to do it.  Years ago I had some of
them stored dry in envelopes, waiting for repotting, and they almost all
started growing in early August, while still in the envelopes.  If they
don't get watered, the little thready roots dry out, and I think it damages
the bulbs.

The other plant I start watering in early August is Moraea polystachya.  The
plants are over a foot tall (.3m) already, dark green and vigorous.  They
look like corn plants.  This species has a reputation as an unreliable
bloomer, but it is very reliable for me.

San Jose, CA (zone9, min temp 20F / -7C)

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