Scadoxus Seed Viability

Nan Sterman TalkingPoints@PlantSoup.Com
Tue, 20 Sep 2011 08:27:42 PDT
Those "pods" are really fruits that turn bright red and soften at the point  seeds are ripe.

I doubt your will ripen, but who knows!  Give it a try.  Worst thing is that they don't work...  Or that you go back in a few weeks in search of ripe seed.

Love to see photos of those plants.  The sound enormous!

On Sep 20, 2011, at 1:43 AM, Roy Herold wrote:

> I just collected some Scadoxus seeds, probably puniceus, this morning in 
> South Africa. They were in the coastal woods near Durban, and look to 
> have finished blooming about a month ago. These are huge, vigorous 
> plants, with flowers over 150mm in diameter
> The pods are bright green and about 8-10mm in diameter. Is there any 
> hope these seeds are mature enough to be viable? If so, they will go to 
> Dell once I get back home.
> We also saw some beautiful Scadoxus in full bloom in burned areas in the 
> Natal Midlands yesterday at 1200m. Probably more puniceus. There were 
> blooming Boophone disticha and Cyrtanthus tuckii in the same area.
> Sorry to be so clueless about the scadoxus--all new to me...
> --Roy
> La Lucia, South Africa this morning, Cape Town this afternoon, and NW of 
> Boston on Thursday.
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