Whats blooming week of Aug 29 2011

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Thu, 01 Sep 2011 20:50:13 PDT

I finally took a trip around the garden to note 
what was blooming in the ground or pots in 
coastal Northern California. Still in bloom are 
Zantedeschia 'Blaze', Eucomis bicolor, Eucomis 
comosa, a hybrid tuberous Begonia, Milla biflora, 
Scadoxus membraneceus, Acis autumnalis,  the 
Oxalis sp. from Uli and Ecuador, Cyrtanthus 
elatus x montanus, and Cyclamen hederifolium.  I 
now have a Cyclamen cilicum pot in bloom and a 
Cyclamen coum (I know it it is unusual for this 
time of the year.)  Another strange one in bloom 
is Delphinium nudicaule. Most of my Delphiniums are still dormant.

New to last week or this are Acis rosea, 
Cyrtanthus mackenii, and Cyrtanthus sanguineus. 
I'm very excited about the latter after seeing it 
in the wild and after many years of waiting for 
the smaller bulbs not devastated by the Narcissus 
bulb fly to get big enough to flower. Blooming 
for the first time probably because I gave it one 
more year or it was going to the BX is 
Schizocarphus nervosa. It isn't nearly as lovely 
as I remember seeing it in the Eastern Cape, but 
maybe it will get better over time.

My first fall blooming Oxalis opened this week, 
Oxalis MV 4674 which resembles Oxalis commutata I 
think. And also appearing is Colchicum × 
agrippinum  and the first flower of a cultivar 
Amaryllis belladonna. The species have been in 
bloom up and down the coast where I live for 
weeks now. I have a lot of non blooming ones in 
my too shady garden, but there are a couple that 
get enough sun to bloom. Dietes grandiflora has been in bloom for awhile.

Mary Sue

Mary Sue Ittner
California's North Coast
Wet mild winters with occasional frost
Dry mild summers 

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