Scadoxus Seed Viability

Roy Herold
Tue, 20 Sep 2011 01:43:55 PDT
I just collected some Scadoxus seeds, probably puniceus, this morning in 
South Africa. They were in the coastal woods near Durban, and look to 
have finished blooming about a month ago. These are huge, vigorous 
plants, with flowers over 150mm in diameter

The pods are bright green and about 8-10mm in diameter. Is there any 
hope these seeds are mature enough to be viable? If so, they will go to 
Dell once I get back home.

We also saw some beautiful Scadoxus in full bloom in burned areas in the 
Natal Midlands yesterday at 1200m. Probably more puniceus. There were 
blooming Boophone disticha and Cyrtanthus tuckii in the same area.

Sorry to be so clueless about the scadoxus--all new to me...

La Lucia, South Africa this morning, Cape Town this afternoon, and NW of 
Boston on Thursday.

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