I don't understand (I haven't learned) the laws restricting plant trade for rare species. I'm so sad that I can't re-acquire plants of Boltonia decurrens which grew beautifully in my garden 6 to 12 years ago... because of laws "protecting" it. Yet I can get plants of Iliamna remota, which is also protected. Say what? Both of these are native Illinois wildflowers which are quite well suited to my climate in SW Ohio. I enjoy carnivorous plants too. And I see CP lovers going to great lengths to preserve the gene pool of rare Sarracenia by distributing them to other die-hard CP lovers, trading pollen, trading seed, etc. And especially with S. oreophila, which I think is the most endangered of the genus. It seems sensible to me that nursery propagated (and home-garden propagated) material should be allowed to be distributed to other growers. Some of these laws are clearly detrimental to the preservation of the species they're trying to protect. Dennis in Cincinnati