Thanks for posting this, Paul! You MIGHT NOT have to wait 17 years on those seedlings! While I have several 16 year old bulbs yet to bloom ... a few of its same-aged siblings are blooming for the first time this year, and other seedlings bloomed at 13 years. One bloomed after 10 years and has bloomed every year since. My seeds came from Wayne Roderick's bulb in 1995, and as I recall, he indicated he had ordered it from a supplier in England some 6 or 7 years earlier. My understanding is he also provided a bulb or seed to the Ruth Bancroft Garden ... so also a sibling to mine ... which has bloomed several years now also. Ken Blackford San Diego From: Paul Licht <> Subject: [pbs] Brunsvigia josephinae Date: Saturday, September 17, 2011, 7:28 AM We had two large Josephne lilies (wild collected material) in our S. Africa collection since 1973. We typically get one bloom each summer. The massive bulbs have made several offsets which are now very large and for the first time, we have two pairs of blooms. I just posted a image ... ( Although I've produced many seedlings over the past 5yrs, I'm not sure I'll be around to see them bloom. One of our now retired staff just told me that he started a seed 17yrs ago and it finally bloomed this year.