Late blooms

David Ehrlich
Wed, 14 Sep 2011 12:33:53 PDT
Michael Mace wrote --

The Les Hannibal Amaryllis hybrids here are at about the mid-point in their
blooming process now.  Amaryllis seem to start a bit later for me than they do 
most of the Bay Area.  I'm not sure why; my neighborhood is a bit warmer and
dryer than the rest of the area, and you'd think that would lead to earlier
blooms not later ones.

My Tigridia pavonia were left in a shady place because I was too lazy to move 
their large pot.  They finished blooming well over a month ago.  However, I 
moved a small pot to a full sun position in spring, and kept it well watered all 
summer.  That pot is just blooming now.

In my neighborhood (mid-peninsula, in the hills), A. belladonna is just 
finishing bloom.

David E.

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