Hi Andrew ... my own, too, also finished blooming in early August, so I was also surprised to see them blooming at the Huntington. I initially though perhaps because they were growing in shade, but I also saw several blooming bulbs at the LA Arboretum in nearly full sun. Perhaps the climatic difference between here (cool coastal San Diego) and there? (warm inland valley) BTW ... back in the beginning of August, I found a new gopher hole and a freshly dead mother gopher immediately next to my bulbs :-). I suspect it took a bite or nibbled on the roots or bulb, known to be a source of rodenticide. I do not like gophers ... and have been battling a new infestation this summer. Ken Blackford San Diego I was surprised to see your shot of Urginea maritima in bloom in September at the Huntington. They finished bloom here in early July. Andrew San Diego