What's blooming week of September 12

Boyce Tankersley btankers@gmail.com
Tue, 13 Sep 2011 08:56:21 PDT
After much delay, the Lycoris came into flower in the Chicago area.  Lycoris
squamigera and sanguinea bloomed at the same time - usually sanquinea is a
bit earlier.  L. chinensis put on a good show but the star of the season was
L. longiflora - a single bulb planted about 5 years ago produced 6 flower
spikes and is just now finishing up.

Very excited to hear of Colchicum starting to come into flower in other
areas. I divided up the Colchicum obtained from Janus Ruksans several years
ago and replanted them in drifts across the rock garden in the front yard
and as well as in the mixed border.

Weather forecast calls for some significant cooling this week - fall is on
the way!

Boyce Tankersley
Chicago - where what the meterologists are referring to as a 'flash drought'
has settled in, negating all of the soil moisture received during a very wet

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