Saving Endangered Plants
Mon, 05 Sep 2011 20:59:04 PDT
Are many of you in the U.S. aware of the Center for Plant Conservation,
headquartered at the Missouri Botanic Garden in St. Louis? 

Their mission is to conserve and restore the imperiled native plants of our
country.  It is a consortium of Botanic Gardens and Arboreta across the
country, including New York BG, Arnold Arboretum. Fairchild, Univ. of
Washington, Desert Botanical Garden, Missouri Botanical Garden, Brooklyn
Botanic Garden, Historic Bok Sanctuary, Flagstaff, AZ; Red Butte, Santa
Barbara, Morton Arboretum, Arizona-Sonora Desert, Cinncinnati Zoo and BG,
Chicago Bot. Garden, New England Wildflower, Denver Bot. Garden, North
Carolina BG, Waimea Valley BG. New York BG, Rancho Santa Ana BG, State
Botanical Garden of Georgia, Chicago BG, National Tropical BG, Holden
Arboretum,, Minnesota, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Cornell
Plantation and Honolulu BG.

For more information, please contact Kathryn

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