Amaryllis Forest
AW (Wed, 07 Sep 2011 12:35:41 PDT)
Dear James,
Chiang Mai is at the center of the flower industry in northern Thailand.
They have created incredible floral gardens there, not only in bulbs such as
these but in major Floriades each year where orchids, bromeliads and many
other plants developed for the floral industry are exhibited. I suspect that
the trees shown are all planted and the entire area revegetated. Impressive
to see, no doubt although its enjoyment depends on your taste. Looking at
the annual temperature profile I imagine these displays occur before the wet
season (April-October).
San Diego
From: []
On Behalf Of James Waddick
Whereabouts in Thailand is this forest? It looks like a non-evergreen
forest, lightly canopied. Was it planted recently?
Dear Andrew and all,
Some place in Northern Thailand around Chiang Mai. That's all I
know. The person who posted it originally is Paul Romijn owner of Amaryllis
Royal Colors
He has a large Amaryllis album at:…
Enjoy the colors. Best Jim
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph. 816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
Summer 100F +