Tigridia orthantha - phantom flowers

Peter Taggart petersirises@gmail.com
Sat, 10 Sep 2011 16:54:49 PDT
it grows in the ground at "Crug Farm" west Wales in the UK. they irrigate
heavily in summer and put down a lot of organic top dressing. other plants
around include Epimediums, Scheffleras, Paris, Trilliums....

On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Mary Sue Ittner <msittner@mcn.org> wrote:

> I've been growing this for a number of years after admiring it in the
> Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens which made me think I could grow
> it. But they do water in summer and so I assumed I'd have no chance
> growing it in the ground like they do.  Every year it goes dormant
> sometime in winter and then reappears sometime in summer, but I've
> never seen a suggestion of a bloom. I started seed in spring 2005 and
> when they dwindled another lot in spring 2009. The seeds germinated
> well, but I obviously am not giving them whatever they need.  So you
> don't have to be too jealous Dennis. I don't think it is a plant most
> people would grow just for the leaves.
> Mary Sue
> Mary Sue Ittner
> California's North Coast
> Wet mild winters with occasional frost
> Dry mild summers
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