Hey Mike! To answer your first question ... YES ... all TINY seeds ... all of what I believe to be hybrids from my own 2005 cross between X A.belladonnas (seed parents ... themselves likely F2 hybrids, given to me by the late Wayne Roderick in the 90s) and B.josephinae (pollen parent - the product of seed from Wayne's B.josephinae plant in 1995.) That is not to say only tiny seed was produced ... there were also larger/normal sized seed in the same pods. Based on previous accounts by Jim Lycos, 2003, posted via PBS at: http://web.archive.org/web/20050521205157/… that the tiny seeds were likely indications of a successful cross ... I disposed* of the larger seeds and grew-on only the tiny seeds. Many of these seem to struggle. I selected ... perhaps babied is a better term ... only those seedlings which displayed bluish-green foliage, ie, midway between the green foliage of A.belladonna and the blue-grey-green foliage of B.josephinae. There were seedlings with bright green foliage but I weeded them out for the most part. I've had 3 blooms this year from the remaining group (now 6 years old) ... 2 of which appear to have the ordinary X Amarygia flowers and the most recent bloom which definitely displays some B.josephinae heritage. *With respect to the larger seeds, when I say 'disposed' ... I actually clandestinely spread them one early Sunday morning, commando-style, along a local un-manicured roadway in hopes there would eventually be scattered blooms of X A.belladonna rising one late summer along the roadway. I did this 3 years in a row and noticed successful germination and growth ... but my efforts were spoiled 2 years ago when the city sprayed to control weeds! <:-( The round-up pretty much killed everything growing at the time, including the little winter-growing bulbs. I've also had two different seed-grown X A.belladonnas that display twisted tepals ... the result of crossing F2 hybrids given to me by Wayne. http://flickr.com/photos/amarguy/… This year, I have back crossed each of them to see what I get. I suspect that some Brunsvigia genes are carried forward with each cross. I guess we need somebody to sequence the DNA on these things! Ken Blackford San Diego --- On Thu, 9/29/11, Michael Mace <michaelcmace@gmail.com> wrote: I was interested by the photo you posted of one of the siblings to that flower, which looks a lot like a typical Amaryllis hybrid: http://flickr.com/photos/amarguy/… Do you remember if this came from one of the tiny seeds that you sometimes get from Amarygia crosses, or a larger seed? I'm wondering if the seed size/color corresponds to the type of flower you get. I got flowers this fall from some hybrids of B. josephinae and a Les Hannibal Amaryllis. They looked a lot like the typical Hannibal Amaryllis, so I thought the seedlings must have been apomictic or an accidental cross from some Amaryllis pollen that blew in. But seeing your sibling photo, I'm starting to wonder if I did get a real cross that just doesn't express a lot of josephinae characteristics. In particular, there's one plant that has flowers with strangely twisted tepals. You can see it here: http://flickr.com/photos/83542459@N00/… Or maybe it's just a Hannibal hybrid with twisted tepals. I'd appreciate comments from more knowledgeable growers than me. Mike San Jose, CA