Tim. I have to respectfully disagree here. The main reason is that if I sow my seeds promptly, I only sow a portion of them. The remainder goes into the refrigerator -- "just in case." I don't think I have any ten-year old seed in my refrigerator, but some may be getting close. Refrigeration does prolong the viability of Cyrtanthus seed, which can be notoriously short-lived. Eugene Zielinski Prescott Valley, AZ USA > [Original Message] > From: Tim Harvey <zigur@hotmail.com> > To: Bulb Society Pacific <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org> > Date: 1/3/2014 11:29:57 PM > Subject: Re: [pbs] PBS website contact:///how/ to sow daubenya aurea > > I think it is important to recognise that seeds are not inert, dead things. They sense the daylength around them, and so may prepare to germinate at the appropriate time. What does a thermostatically controlled fridge do to them? > > I store all my seeds (in Los Angeles) at room temperature until the appropriate season arrives - including those from overseas - with good results. Refrigeration is a crutch for those with limited time or space, and shouldn't concern those people who can sow their seeds within 12 months of receipt, assuming fresh supply (that is anther question). > > Seeds that I might store for 10 years? - well, they should either be thrown out into the yard or given away, since they are clearly of no importance! > > T