Should I refrigerate pots of L. sprengeri seedlings to simulate the cold winter they expect? After reading the 'Garden Lycoris and More' pdf from the pbs wiki Lycoris page I realize the Lycoris sprengeri I have been anxiously watching and waiting to re-emerge are not due to leaf out until spring and expect a cold winter, hardy to zone 5. Here in my mild climate the 6 inch plastic pots have sat on a shelf on the porch without leaves. They had leaves their first year but not the second year. I did not give them an artificially cold winter last year. I am guessing perhaps I should have put the pots into the refrigerator for a couple months. I may try this now. These are from PBS BX 297-4, germinated December 2011. By July 2012 they had produced bulblets 2 cm long by 0.5 cm wide. They had leaves that year from July through at least November. Here is a photo record:… Have others grown this species from seed in a mild climate without artificial cold? - Gastil Santa Barbara, CA approximately usda zone 9b and a colder microclimate than the official map showing climate of zone 10a.