Potting Paramongaia

Alberto ezeizabotgard@hotmail.com
Thu, 30 Jan 2014 16:13:54 PST
Not from the lomas but from Andean west facing slopes in a very hot habitat. Not alpines. Temperatures more for a Hippeastrum than for a Meconopsis. People that have been there during the flowering season report the tremendous heat. Incidentally the plants grow in exposed spots in full sun, as mentioned.

In the lomas the first part of winter is dry and the growing/rainy season is very short: June, July, August, (southern emisphere), perhaps September. More (normal to us) rainy seasons have reported as having a very adverse effect on seed production therefore the lomas bulbs must be grown very dry more like a cactus. 

For dry semidesertic plants ventilation (forced, that is) is most important. 

Peter, you are one of the top experts of the world in the field of bulbs. I have often wondered why people do not use a systemic insecticide drench on those growing bulbs susceptible to the fly attack.  It seems impossible that a grub could feed on poisoned tissue. 


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