On Jan 29, 2014, at 3:56 PM, Paul T. <ptyerman@OZEMAIL.COM.AU> wrote: > Howdy Folks, > > Anyone else got a kind of weird email telling you > that the correct name for the pink calla lily is > Zantedeschia aethopica Marshmallow not Pink > Mist? I received a strange email telling me that > this morning, when I haven't mentioned that > particular calla in years I think. Apparently > from a person who's ID would lead me to believe > it was a Pamela Perry (waterboards.ca.gov), but > there was no signature or anything like that? Paul This took all of 60 seconds http://calepa.ca.gov/StaffDirectory/detail.asp/… Doesn’t explain anything, but you might write and ask> Jim W. James Waddick 8871 NW Brostrom Rd Kansas City, MO 64152-2711 USA Phone 816-746-1949