Here's 60 seconds I'll never get back - reading these emails ;) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, rare and unusual plants from around the world ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----Original Message----- From: Tim Eck <> To: 'Pacific Bulb Society' <> Sent: Thu, Jan 30, 2014 2:38 pm Subject: Re: [pbs] Weird Pink Call Lily email received? And, thanks to our CIA, the term 'waterboard' now has a 'dual use' nature. Tim in PA zone 6 and rising I must admit Jim that I didn't try searching out the name online, so I am sorry for having wasted your 60 seconds. My apologies for having disturbed the list. I did not make the link to california either, but then I am at the other end of the world figuratively speaking and do not immediately bring to mind the short versions of the miriad US states.