Zephyranthes in southern Baja California - request for ID

James SHIELDS jshields46074@gmail.com
Wed, 08 Jan 2014 15:50:21 PST
It would help to have measurements (in mm and cm) for the parts of the
flowers, the peduncle, the pedicel, and the spathe bract.  Images of the
leaves would also aid.

Jim Shields

At 06:36 PM 1/8/2014, you wrote:
José Luis León de la Luz, an investigator from CIBNOR, has found a
Zephranthes in the southern Baja California peninsula which does not
resemble the species described for that location. He asks if it might be

A photo of the unidentified Zephyranthes is posted on the mystery bulbs

Also a photo of Z. arenicola is posted for comparison. The unidentified one
does not match with Z. longifolia, which is reported as a second species in
Baja California.

Please respond to this list, or the comment form on the mystery bulb page.

- Gastil

James Shields             jshields46074@gmail.com
P.O. Box 92
Westfield, IN 46074

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