USA sources of Rhodohypoxis

Roy Herold
Mon, 27 Jan 2014 20:08:58 PST
I recommend that everyone who grows Rhoodohypoxis send some in to the BX 
  sometime this winter. I grow around eight different cultivars, mostly 
from Matt Mattus, and here they have proven to be very rewarding grown 
in pots. (No, Ellen, I haven't tried them in the ground...)

I usually repot sometime in March, and will certainly try to send the 
extras to Dell. (Ulterior motive: I'd really like to try some different 
varieties myself!)

NW of Boston
9F tonight

Lee Poulsen wrote:
> Speaking of Rhodohypoxis, can anyone please list a number of good sources with a good selection of cultivars in the USA? Thanks!

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