Potting Paramongaia

Peter Taggart petersirises@gmail.com
Thu, 30 Jan 2014 15:58:33 PST
 much appreciated information Alberto!

Overall the climates of Peru seem extremely variable. The only constant
feature I can find from the web is that the first half of Winter is dry.
Perhaps the 'Winter' growing coastal Paramongia originates from the 'Lomas'
hills which might only be dry for the first half of winter and have mist
for the second half?

High altitudes in Peru seem to have some very cold night and winter
temperatures. I wonder what altitude the Summer growing forms come from?
Part of  my reluctance to experiment with my bulbs comes from fear of
narcissus fly should I keep the pot in the 'frost free' green house during
Spring. It certainly grew better than on my windowsill, the one Summer when
I put it there.

This page seems to put the coastal habitats of Peru into perspective:
Peter (UK)

On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 10:34 PM, Alberto <ezeizabotgard@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Peter, any occasional heavy rainfall would be lost in the scree slopes it
> grows in. The pattern is a long dry winter, late spring rainfall till the
> beginning of fall then drought again.
> It seems there is a winter growing /summer dormant Paramogaia in
> cultivation in the US as well and I have seen it at the fabulous collection
> of the UC Irvine Arboretum in flower at late winter. This is intriguing as
> there is not in Peru any area with winter rainfall.

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