Potting Paramongaia

Peter Taggart petersirises@gmail.com
Thu, 30 Jan 2014 11:57:37 PST
in general you are quite right in this assertion, provided you have
approximately the right conditions to please the plant in the first place.
Some of us would like to ascertain what those conditions are.

How long did you grow them for please?
why do you not have them now please?

Would you not agree with Alberto; that perhaps even more light could be a
good idea....?
Peter (UK)

On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 7:45 PM, The Silent Seed <tylus_seklos@aol.com>wrote:

> When I had them - I just planted them like any old bulb, in dirt, and they
> did fine. It appears to me that people tend to overthink certain things
> like this. Just keep mostly dry if it rests. Otherwise keep it evenly
> moist, in bright, indirect light, and it'll be happy.
> Good air circulation is a plus.

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