The Silent Seed tylus_seklos@aol.com
Sat, 25 Jan 2014 13:48:11 PST
I agree completely.

It is also a shame that whenever someone actually puts himself or herself out there, to actually say that they are looking for a certain plant, responses are virtually non-existent. 


Thesilentseed.com,     rare and unusual plants from around the world



-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Taggart <petersirises@gmail.com>
To: Pacific Bulb Society <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org>
Sent: Sat, Jan 25, 2014 4:24 pm

I have been asked to provide rarities on various occasions. If, as so
frequently happens from certain parts of the world, the person requesting
plants from me tries to pick and chose the rarest items with the phrase
"I'll take (x, y, z)" without any "May I have", "please", "thank you", and
a complete failure to answer any questions I might ask, - I send such
people little or nothing. I wish I had more time to deal with politer and
more deserving requests, when I try to help people who email me, ( for
example looking for sources), and they do not even reply to thank me, again
I feel insulted.

However a network of personal contacts, such as the PBS facilitates, is a
very effective method of keeping plant material circulating. While each
transaction may be random, the net effect is to preserve a wide range of
plants in the hands of many people.
Peter (UK)

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 11:10 PM, Robert Pries
They were not interested in working with private plantsmen. I believe this
is partly due to a vocal scam artist who was milking plantsman at the time
for plants he could sell in his nursery by claiming to run a National
Collection System. When I originally contacted him about a world class
collection I had of Dwarf Irises he said send me a list and I will pick
what I want. I knew that response was terribly wrong. But even though He is
still out there speaking on


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