Watering seed pots

Ina Crossley klazina1@gmail.com
Thu, 02 Jan 2014 12:23:35 PST
As per recent discussion, I looked for awatering can with a fine rose 
and actually found onehere in New Zealand, and the same store is selling 
these sprinkler tops, so bought a packet of them as well (it lacks the 
single squirt one) and am praising them to friends and family.  
Wonderful gadget (the only problem was finding a soft drink bottle)


Ina Crossley
Auckland New Zealand zone 10a

On 3/01/2014 9:03 a.m., Ellen Hornig wrote:
> Persuant to a discussion a while back about watering cans for seed pots, I
> found something on eBay which I can actually recommend:
> http://ebay.com/itm/400124880017/…
> Yes, truly, they are little plastic tips that screw on to soda bottles.
> Don't snort in disbelief; the ones for fine watering work extraordinarily
> well on seed pots.  I wouldn't want to use one in a nursery - the thing is
> only about 1"/2.5cm across, so not built for volume or speed - but it seems
> to be able to water the finest seeds without the least perturbation of the
> surface.  You do have to squeeze the bottle to get it to flow - it isn't
> gravity-fed; but I actually love the thing.
> How times have changed.  When I owned a nursery I would have chuckled
> patronizingly at the thought of using one of these.  Now not only do I do
> that, but I'm down in the basement cutting vinyl blinds into plant tags.
> Ellen

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