In seek of bulbs/plants of different monocot species for flower research

Nhu Nguyen
Wed, 29 Jan 2014 23:27:28 PST
Hi Alma,

Sounds like you're working with Chelsea. I rotated through her lab and
worked on Allium.

I have a few comments for you, although I cannot offer any plants.

Narcissus bulbocodium - this is quite a common species and can be found in
lots of collections. The UCBG has a patch, although it is misidentified as
"Narcissus haedreanthus"

Amaryllis belladonna - this one is all over town. You should be able to
find some nice clumps when they do bloom, but that may be too late for you.
There had been considerable research in this species pertaining to flower
development. I think flowers are formed at least a year or two in advance.
The problem is, as soon as you dig up a bulb, they abort the immature

Amaryllis spp. - you probably mean Hippeastrum species, because there is
only one other Amaryllis species beside belladonna and it is excruciatingly
rare. These are common enough where you may be able to find them. Telos
Rare bulbs carry a number of species, although I don't think they sell
mature bulbs.

Good luck,

On Wednesday, January 22, 2014, Alma Pineyro <> wrote:

> Hi,
> My name is Alma Pineyro and I am currently conducting postdoctoral work at
> a UC-Berkeley lab where I am investigating flower development in a variety
> of monocot species.
> For my research I need bulbs and/ or plants of various species, some of
> which are normally planted in the winter to flower in spring, others are
> tropical.
> The species I am interested in are:
> Narcissus bulbocodium
> Narcissus sp.
>   Amaryllis belladona
> Amaryllis sp.
>   Tecophilea cyanocrocus/T. violaflora
> Calathea sp.
> Dioscorea sp
> Allium sp. *not the common species
> Tricyrtis sp.
> I am aware that I am late to get the bulbs from the first species listed,
> but would greatly appreciate any guidance regarding reliable places where I
> could still purchase them. In the case of N. bulbocodium, I need to use the
> developing flowers that are still within the bulb, so plants that are
> already producing leaves are too mature for my purposes.
> For Calathea, Dioscorea and Tricyrtis, it would be ideal if I can get a
> hold of plants that will flower soon. In this case, I only need the flowers
> and will keep the plants growing.
> Thanks in advance for any advice on this subject. I an not new to working
> with monocots, but it´s my first time with ¨bulbous¨species, thus, I am
> sorry to say I have no material I could trade.
> Alma Pineyro,
> Berkeley CA.
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