A friend here in New Jersey, Dr. Gerald Barad, is doyen in the cactus and succulent world. He has a huge greenhouse stuffed full of those plants. And he also has Massonia pustulata. I have no idea where the first one came from but his original plant made seeds. He sowed the seeds, which grew, and flowered, and made more seeds. I was visiting last week. The massonia flowers are fading / going over. There's a tray of new young plants ready to prick out, and soon enough I imagine there will be another seed pot. And so on, ad infinitum. Judy in New Jersey where we might, possibly, reach the freezing point today. That would be delightful as A) it is mizzling / drizzling out and the driveway is glazed with ice, and B) overnight low temperatures in the single digits, even down to -1 degree Fahrenheit (that's minus 1) is bitterly cold --- This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active. http://www.avast.com/