new Polianthes cultivars

Diane Whitehead
Mon, 13 Jan 2014 12:45:34 PST
You don't have to be dead to have your work trashed.

Another student and I were working at a Prairie university, doing everything from staining chromosomes to pulling out wheat with rust on the leaves.
One day we were told to weed an area, so dug out clumps of grass, making a big mound.  The next day an upset professor was trying to sort out and replant that mound.  They were his experimental plants in his attempt to discover the ancient progenitors of wheat.  Obviously he should have told his fellow profs what he was doing and should have used some labels.

Diane Whitehead

On 2014-01-13, at 11:44 AM, Michael Mace wrote:

> Mike wrote:
>>>  If you put years
> into growing stuff, spend a few minutes making sure your work can survive you.

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