I have only ever used smoke rarely for Juno Iris seed germination, however,I have read of smoke being used to enhance growth after germination. There is a study here but there is more to it from what I remember reading, this article is primarily concerned with the effect on flowering. It also reduces the experiment to one using ethylene. http://journal.ashspublications.org/content/115/… This is a summary of an experiment using smoke and concludes significant increase in seedling growth with increased uptake of nitrogen and magnesium http://hortsci.ashspublications.org/content/47/… Peter (UK) On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 12:28 AM, William Hoffmann <wahoffma@ncsu.edu> wrote: > I have seen multiple posts on this list about using smoke water to > stimulate germination of certain species. Does anyone use it to > enhance growth after germination? I recently came across an > interesting article in which commercial onion seedlings were watered > regularly with smoke water. It had an impressive effect on growth, > compared to plants that did not receive smoke water. After 175 days, > the plants receiving smoke water had more than twice the bulb mass of > the controls. If this response is common among geophytes, it would be > quite a benefit. Have any of you tried this? > > The article citation is Kulkarni et al, Effect of smoke-water and a > smoke-isolated butenolide on the growth and genotoxicity of commercial > onion, Scientia Horticulturae, Volume 124, Issue 4, 1 May 2010, Pages > 434-439. >