Jane McGary janemcgary@earthlink.net
Wed, 15 Jan 2014 16:06:38 PST
Robert Pries wrote
>There is a new initiative occurring in the American Public Gardens 
>Association. It is a system of National Collections similar to the 
>British System. These collections are meant to preserve the genetic 
>diversity within the nation. The USA is far behind in this effort, 
>compared to the British. A major component of the system is a will 
>that allows for the transfer of a collection to another new or 
>existing National Collection Holder. Many years ago I tried to talk 
>with the Association of Botanic Gardens and Arboretums. They were 
>not interested in working with private plantsmen. I believe this is 
>partly due to a vocal scam artist who was milking plantsman at the 
>time for plants he could sell in his nursery by claiming to run a 
>National Collection System.

The aforementioned person also contacted me, but I found him so 
annoying that I turned him away.

I'm sure our British members will have things to say about the 
National Collections program. I've heard a lot about it and also have 
a book on it. I know that some of the British National Collections 
are wonderful, well-curated resources, but I've also encountered 
people who had, or wanted to have, a National Collection but seemed 
not to know enough about what they were collecting. Such a program is 
vulnerable to various kinds of conflict.

On the other hand, the idea of a database of private collections has 
been discussed previously on this forum. I wouldn't mind contributing 
my data to a project like that.

Jane McGary
Portland, Oregon, USA

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