On 1/12/2014 6:45 PM, Nathan Lange wrote: > On a related topic, does anyone know what happened to Jon Lindstrom's > hybrids he and his graduate student(s) created between Polianthes, > Manfreda, and Agave species? > > Nathan I think a few of them were far enough along that they may show up commercially in time. As far as all of the plants in his greenhouse at the time of his death ... his family took a few of his personal plants, as did his grad students. Several of us in the area, including a representative of our small local botanic garden, tried to get permission to preserve some things, but I was told by a reliable source that everything else was trashed. I'll check his trial plots again in the spring, but last summer the only Polianthes/Manfreda/Agave I saw were in the greenhouse, and everything in there was suffering from severe neglect. Steve