GMOs morphed to bulbs and tree rust

Fri, 14 Nov 2014 15:54:03 PST
We were growing 5 needle pines and red currant, Ribes sanguineum. Big mistake -  blister rust moved in on the currant. Not our other species of Ribes. The red uredial stage. The spores of the alternate host must have blown in from 3000' timbered ridges about 2-3 miles away to east and south. Was a serious problem that went away until we quit the pines and introduced spray protocol. Is heart breaking to lose a mature white pine to this rust. Is good practice to monitor your susceptible alternate hosts. 

Oh some bulb perhaps we should ask for some bulbisms along with this unrelated stuff. For me this has been interesting series of conversations with diversity of viewpoints

I'm at the point where my lily seed germination protocol has worked three times. I've been getting high percentage emergence of L. columbianum and washingtonianum with 23 to 28 days of 'warm' stratification at 50 F 23 to 30 days or until the seeds show radicals. I sandwich between damp peat moss and screens. No mold problems. Then I put into cold strat at about 38 deg f  for 2 - 3 months. The radicals will be out as much as 3/4 inch with swelling that eventually gives rise to first leaf. When this starts happening I put into trays or plant in the field if it is early spring.  No need to wait for second year germination although I am likely missing a few late ones. 

This last season I've been scaling up these 2 species and made about 300 Anderson trays this way. I harvested this week and yields were very good. Now they are sandwiched between peat layers and waiting for field planting in February.   I tried this protocol early spring, 2014 and planted the seed directly into the field. They seemed to be happy and will compare the 2 techniques next spring. 

I'm concerned about growing Lilium washingtonianum in our irrigated sandy loam soil. A bed of seedlings planted last year showed some die back in late spring. I do not know yet how many died but looked like Fusarium wilt. Any advice for me on field growing this species? Next season I'm field planting L. humboltii and have same concern. 

Rich H
Bellingham, Wa.,

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