arilate irises was bulb rant

Peter Taggart
Sat, 15 Nov 2014 15:30:47 PST
In wet winter climates, "fast drainage" is very necessary to facilitate the
quick drying which other climates experience. In Britain we can experience
Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter in a 24 hour period.
Peter (UK)

On 15 November 2014 23:19, penstemon <> wrote:

>  In the literature, especially the rock garden literature, there are
>> articles (some of which read like calculus puzzles and kept me tied in
>> knots) discussing drainage. To make a long story short, I think it's
>> largely bunk as far as most summer dormant plants are concerned.
> It's complete bunk as far as anything having to do with plants is
> concerned, but seems to have some relevance growing plants in wet-winter
> climates.

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