Wiki contributions

Stephen Putman
Mon, 17 Nov 2014 18:25:33 PST
"Damp string", eh?  Now I'd not heard of that.  Smart notion there..., 
but then what about those members who live in dry places where damp 
string is not so readily available??????


On 11/17/2014 10:57 AM, David Pilling wrote:
> Hi,
> On 17/11/2014 15:01, Leo Martin wrote:
>> One reason additions to the Wiki have slowed is that so many bulbs are
>> already there. There aren't too many more about which something is
>> known or
>> photographs are available.
> I beg to differ. There is enormous scope for adding more information to
> the wiki (seeds, bulbs, leaves, dormancy, cultivation).
> Even if people are not prepared to go out and photograph things, we have
> a large backlog of photographs to add.
> I have a list of 1000's of spelling errors in the wiki...
> As to the "we can't do XXX because of people using damp string to
> connect to the 'net". It is good to consider these people, but it is bad
> to let them dictate what is done.
> For example the wiki has low resolution images which they can use, but
> that does not stop us also having high resolution images.
> People with string connections eventually get fibre, and at that point
> they demand high quality and abandon what they've used before.
> I help moderate the yahoo lily list, images are allowed in messages.
> Again there is the consideration for the damp string people, "keep
> attachments below 200K", but I've yet to hear anyone complain about the
> size of photos when people exceed that amount.

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