Brian wrote from fair Albion regarding bearded Iris: > When is the best time to propagate > them? I've never gardened in England. Here in a much warmer climate they are mostly dormant during summer, and a little tricky to keep alive. Almost nobody succeeds with plants in the ground unless they are in a bed by themselves. Those in mostly sun must be kept mostly dry, with a little water once a week, but never into the foliage fan when it's hot. Container plants are brought into mostly shade to keep cooler. Rain is OK because temperatures are lower during storms. By late June foliage is almost dead and we trim it back. For dividing we lift in July, trim off dead roots and split up the rhizomes. They can be replanted in a 1 gallon container right away, watered a little and kept in the shade during our hottest season, or stored dry until replanting in the fall. Once nights cool they spring to life and grow rapidly. A dry leafless rhizome planted in fall will always bloom the next spring, and some rebloomers in the ground bloom in the fall. Leo Martin Zone ? Phoenix Arizona USA