"Pot bound"

James SHIELDS jshields46074@gmail.com
Fri, 21 Nov 2014 11:00:02 PST
Rimmer and all,

Most bulbs do not need to be "pot-bound" at all -- they need lots of root
mass!  On the other hand, amateurs who consistently over-water plants from
arid lands have a harder time killing such plants if there is little or no
soil in the pot with the roots to retain excess moisture.

Growing large bulbs in small pots tends to result in "bonsai" bulbs,
depriving the grower of a true appreciation of the plant real beauties.

Jim S.

On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 12:29 PM, Rimmer deVries <rdevries@comcast.net>

> Often you see the terms “likes to be pot bound” or "keep pot bound” with
> advice for growing bulbs in pots.
> is the thought behind these terms have anything to do with the plants
> preferring cramped spaces
> or more to do with the soil mass relative to the root system and how fast
> the roots take up excess moisture in the pot.
> if using a fast draining potting media like 80% pumice, do these plants
> still need to be pot bound?
> Rimmer
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James Shields             jshields46074@gmail.com
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Westfield, IN 46074
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