Jude Haverington
Fri, 14 Nov 2014 08:43:14 PST
I agree with Tim.

I'll throw something else in the mix. Even just the sun's UV rays can
literally "genetcally modify" organisms - no?

On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 11:39 AM, Tim Eck <> wrote:

> I'm not certain I understand any of what you wrote:
> None of the transgenic pesticides target microfauna and certainly not in
> soil (that I know of).
> Prior to RoundUp, we were losing billions of tons of topsoil a year to
> erosion caused by tillage.  It has no effect in soils and is destroyed by
> native soil bacteria.
> And yes, nearly all commercial and home garden crops are aliens which
> necessarily displace natives.  The trend started about 15,000 years ago and
> led to civilization.
> Why would anybody make a pollen sterile crop that would have no yield?  It
> sort of defeats the purpose of a crop.
> Tim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: pbs [] On Behalf Of T O
> Sent: Friday, November 14, 2014 10:38 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [pbs] GMOs
> The problem with GMOs is absolutely the plants themselves, when they have
> pesticides built into their genes which have the unwanted effects of
> killing
> the micro fauna in the soil. "Round-up ready" is no better, facilitating
> the
> use of much herbicide.  Monocrops in general displace enormous plots of
> land
> which was once home to thousands of species, including geophytes.  Bottom
> line is the crops destroy biodiversity all around them.
>  If a company can cross genes so unrelated, why couldn't they have made
> them
> pollen sterile? That would solve two problems. One to prevent contamination
> of organic growers crops and two to prevent seed formation, which they
> don't
> allow anyway due to the utility patents.  Organic seed growers are required
> to have their crops tested yearly for the presence of GMOs, out of pocket.
> See for some highly
> interesting essays on utility patents, GMO sugar beets, and common sense.
> That being said, there are only a few ornamental GMOs that I'm aware of
> (glow in the dark houseplants, blue rose attempts) and I'm sure they are
> grown with tissue culture, so I doubt their affect on the environment is as
> severe.
> -Travis
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